Amy is a resident in the geriatric psychiatry subspecialty program at Dalhousie University 2021-2023. Prior to this, she completed a Bachelor of Arts & Science at McGill University and obtained her MD from Dalhousie in 2017. She has a passion for working with older adults and has been involved in health promotion knowledge translation initiatives with the Fountain of Health since 2015. In 2019, she was the recipient of a Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (CAGP) Psychiatry Resident Award for research on healthy aging and behaviour activation in primary care, and in 2020 was the recipient of Dalhousie’s Geriatric Psychiatry Resident Award. She is a member of the Positive Psychiatry Section of the World Psychiatric Association, and member-in-training of the CAGP. Upon completion of training, she is hopeful to practice geriatric psychiatry in Nova Scotia.