Valued Goals
SMART Goal-setting
Values reflect who you wish to be when you are at your best. Values are what you believe to be important in the way you live. When your actions match your values, your wellbeing grows!
The Thrive © Approach to Wellbeing offers a 3-Step Approach to help you set and meet a Valued Goal.
The Thrive © Approach to Wellbeing is grounded in the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Behaviour Activation. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Behaviour Activation are powerful, evidence-based interventions used to treat many disorders like anxiety and depression. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy reveals the links among thoughts (cognitions), actions (behaviours) and feelings. Behaviour Activation helps you set goals you can meet (actions).
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Behaviour Activation can also promote happiness and wellbeing. Once you know what you most value (thoughts), you can set an achievable goal (actions) to fulfill your values to increase happiness (feelings).
Did You Know?
3 Steps of the
THRIVE © Approach to Wellbeing:

Self-assess to get a baseline. Reflect on how you would rate yourself across the THRIVE domains.
Set a Valued Goal. Identify one goal in one of the THRIVE action areas. Make it a SMART goal to increase success.

Try our free, web-based support tool usable on any device to track your goal and increase your success.
Setting SMARTer Goals
Setting and meeting a Valued Goal is not always easy, but it is possible with the help of a few useful tools! You are invited to meet a Valued Goal using our 3-Step Approach as outlined. Our approach is based in cognitive behavioural therapy approaches:
Step 1: Get a Baseline: Self-Assessment (Assess Cognitions)
Take the THRIVE Questionnaire. Assess how you think you are doing in each of the THRIVE action areas!
Step 2: Set a Valued Goal (Change Behaviours)
You are invited to set a goal in one of the THRIVE domains that you value. Which THRIVE domain would have meaning or value to you right now?
Select one action area:
Thoughts: Having more positive and helpful thoughts
Health Habits: Taking better care of your physical wellbeing (more physical activity or healthier eating)
Relationships: Having closer, more positive relationships with others
Interests: Learning something new and interesting to you
Valued Goals: Learning how to set and meet useful goals
Emotions: Taking better care of your mental/ emotional wellbeing
Choosing a goal that you value will help you to keep going, even when you face setbacks. When you meet a Valued Goal, you will encourage yourself and say, “I did this!” and be more likely to repeat it. When you do not meet a Valued Goal, you will be more likely to problem-solve to overcome barriers to success for next time.
What makes a goal successful?
A successful goal is one that is meaningful, fun and realistic! You are more likely to meet and repeat a goal if it is something you enjoy! Choose an activity you will enjoy doing or find rewarding. If you meet an enjoyable goal, you will think, “That was fun and rewarding. I want to do it again.”
How can you stick with goals over time?
A health behaviour that you repeat over time will become a new habit and a part of your identity. For example, instead of thinking “I should jog” you will think “I am a jogger” or “I am someone who jogs.” This shift in identity promotes long-term motivation to keep the health behaviour going over time, even in the face of setbacks or difficulties.
Set yourself up for success: Make it SMARTer!
SMART goals are ones that are Specific, Measurable and Meaningful, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Time-limited. SMART goals can also be tiny, “micro” goals, that still have an impact.
To make your goal “SMARTer” answer the following “where, when and how” questions below. You can also use our interactive SMARTer goal setting form on the Wellness App.
WHERE will you do this behaviour?
- Specify where this activity will take place
WHEN will you do this behaviour?
- How often will you do this activity? (number of times/ week or month)
- What time of day are you most likely to do this activity? (Hint: If you combine it with another habit you already do at this time of day, it will help to cue or remind you to do this new activity!)
- For how long will the activity last each time? (duration in minutes or hours)
HOW will you increase your chances of success?
- Do you have a plan for overcoming any barriers (time, work, commitment to others, etc.) that might arise in doing this behaviour?
- Do you have supports (a buddy system, support person, equipment, resources to help, another habit to help remind you) in place to complete this behaviour?
- Do you plan to you track your progress using something like a calendar, a diary or an app? If yes, do you intend to use The Wellness App?
HOW will you measure your success?
- Is there a way to know or measure if you complete your goal?
HOW realistic is your goal? (not at all, neutral, very realistic)
- How confident are you about completing this goal? (not at all, neutral, very confident)
- Is this activity safe for you to do? Be sure to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure your goal is safe for you.
Step 3: Track your goal!
Use The Wellness App to help you set, track and meet your goal. The free App also has a special new feature so you can set your own SMART goal, as outlined above. Get encouragement notifications by email. Use the calendar to track your progress. Tracking your goal is a key to success!
Set a Valued Goal!
Set a valued SMART goal from the Ideas to get Started list, or choose one of your own. Remember the more specific, measurable and realistic your goal, the more likely you are to succeed!
Invitation: We invite you to try out The Wellness App to track your goal over the next 4 weeks. No goal is too small and The Wellness App will encourage you along the way!
Explore Further!
Still not sure what to do?
Learn more about the science behind Valued Goal-setting in Evidence section and explore these links:
CBT Guide - An introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy developed by Dr. Neil Rector.
Values-based Goals - An introduction to setting goals based on your values
Values-based Goal Setting - A short video on setting values-based goals