Fountain of Health
A national non-profit association to put wellbeing science into action.
Rate yourself on each of 6 THRIVE domains below.Drag the button along the 10 point scale to provide your answer( 0 = Not at all, 5 = Moderately, 10 = Extremely ).
Rate yourself for the last week:
How would you rate yourself in terms of having positive thoughts, even in the face of setbacks?
(0 = not at all positive, 5 = moderately positive, and 10 = extremely positive)
Health Habits - Physical:
How would you rate yourself in terms of being physically active?
(0 = not at all active, 5 = moderately active, and 10 = extremely active)
Health Habits - Eating:
How would you rate yourself in terms of healthy eating?
(0 = not at all healthy, 5 = moderately healthy, and 10 = extremely healthy)
How would you rate yourself in terms of having positive social connections?
How would you rate yourself in terms of being interested in learning new things?
(0 = not at all interested, 5 = moderately interested, and 10 = extremely interested)
Valued Goals:
How would you rate yourself in terms of successfully meeting goals that are meaningful to you?
(0 = not at all successful, 5 = moderately successful, and 10 = extremely successful)
How would you rate yourself in terms of your feelings of overall emotional wellbeing?
(0 = not at all well, 5 = moderately well, and 10 = extremely well)
Congratulations on completing Step 1!
To proceed to Step 2, Click here.
Note: To receive a copy of your THRIVE Questionnaire result, please enter your email below: